


April 30, 2009

Gang war was intensifying, and police and community activists were meeting in attempts to quash the violence between the two sides.

Gang war was intensifying, and police and community activists were meeting in attempts to quash the violence between the two sides. It was the summer of 2006, and 18-year-old Herman Taylor III, who attended Belmont High School as part of the Metco program, was walking home from a friend's house in Roxbury.Taylor was gunned down about 500 feet from his front door, an innocent victim in a case of mistaken identity, prosecutors say.His death sent waves of grief and mourning through two communities - in the Humboldt Avenue neighborhood of Roxbury and at Belmont High School, where Taylor was a popular student who excelled academically and as a basketball...

April 28, 2009

A grenade tossed into a cafe, gunfire in the street, dead bodies splayed on the pavement, residents living in fear

A grenade tossed into a cafe, gunfire in the street, dead bodies splayed on the pavement, residents living in fear -- all sounds out of sync with the medieval cobbled streets and copper roofs of the Danish capital.Bloody gang war between bikers and youths of immigrant origin has shattered Copenhagen's customary calm and jolted officials to boost action against violence that has left three dead and 17 wounded in seven months.But a bloody gang war between bikers and the youth of immigrant origin has shattered Copenhagen's customary calm and jolted officials to boost action against violence that has left three dead and 17 wounded in seven months.Two...

April 23, 2009

Outlaw bikie gangs heavily armed Tactical Response Group reponds

Police are still hunting a dangerous gunman who fled a shooting in Attadale that is believed to be connected to outlaw bikie gangs.A 30-year-old man was arrested and charged yesterday after a 2.5-hour standoff with police on Hislop Road on Friday.The street was closed off and the heavily armed Tactical Response Group was called in after the shooting was reported in front of a suburban house about 10.15...

Calabrian mafia money launderer Mario Condello acted as a go-between for Romanian crime gangs keen to use the Italian secret society

Calabrian mafia money launderer Mario Condello acted as a go-between for Romanian crime gangs keen to use the Italian secret society's distribution network to sell its imported heroin, cocaine and amphetamines. sons of criminal Romanian immigrants have expanded the range of crimes committed by the gangs to include sophisticated frauds, identity theft and credit card scams. Romanians have been charged after credit-card skimming devices were fitted to dozens of ATMs in at least four states. crime gangs have been the masters of insurance and social security fraud for decades. gangs in South Australia specialise in importing, selling and rebirthing...

Real IRA has carried out at least two murders of drug dealers and shot and injured a number of others, including two in Donegal.

The dissidents’ links with the drugs trade in Dublin are well established, with republicans supplying increasing numbers of pipe bombs to drugs gangs for sums reported to be as much as €30,000. The bombs made by the dissidents are showing signs of increasing sophistication — a development which is causing alarm to security forces on both sides of the border.Republicans, who last week threatened the North’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, are involved in an increasing cross-border trade in drugs and weapons with Dublin criminals.The PSNI last month discovered a large consignment of cannabis which had been supplied to west Belfast dissidents...

war between groups of bikers and ethnic minority youths is being fought out on Copenhagen's streets.

Police sirens wailed as patrol cars started to arrive at the scene of a fatal shooting already lit by the camera flashes of eager reporters. Officers began to collect forensic evidence and question a crowd of onlookers for witnesses.This crime scene did not take place on the streets of New York City or Chicago but Copenhagen, the Danish capital, where such incidents have been occurring with increasing frequency.Like many of the other shootings, this...

April 22, 2009

Bikie war is about to escalate again

There are fears the bikie war is about to escalate again, with Hell's Angels leaders reportedly ordering their troops to shoot Commancheros on sight.The gang's American leaders believe the Australian Hell's Angels failure to retalitate to a recent spate of attacks has damaged their hard core image.Meantime an alleged member of the Notorious bikie gang has been charged with aggravated robbery with wounding after an altercation in Kings Cross last...

April 11, 2009

Antonio Meza is a Sureno gang member who killed a suspected Norteno gang member.

Antonio Meza is a Sureno gang member who killed a suspected Norteno gang member. Meza did not enter a plea and will appear in court April 17. “The victim had some Norteno gang affiliations,” Waner said. Santa Rosa police are investigating the possible gang connection to the shooting at Grand Avenue and Pressley Street but police stopped short of saying Meza and Suarez were gang members. Waner said the South Park neighborhood is considered Norteno turf and that Meza drove or was driven there “looking for trouble.” Suarez lived in the neighborhood where he was shot around 9:30 p.m. Police said the suspect’s red car had chrome rims and square...

Dennis Karbovanec sentence is life with the possibility of parole after 15 years

Dennis Karbovanec has pleaded guilty to three counts of second degree murder after confessing to shooting and killing numerous people in the Surrey Six massacre in October 2007. Dennis admitted to shooting dead innocent victim Chris Mohan and drug dealers Ryan Bartolomeo and Michael Lal. His sentence is life with the possibility of parole after 15 years and he can thank his light sentence to his conscience as well as his desire to assist the police...

Mahmoud "Mick" Hawi's time as king of the outlaws may be coming to an end

Mahmoud "Mick" Hawi's time as king of the outlaws may be coming to an end, with the Queensland meeting that voted on a new code of conduct also deciding his day was over.Hawi, the Comanchero national president, has been widely condemned following his alleged involvement in last month's Sydney Airport brawl, in which Hells Angels associate Anthony Zervas was killed.Senior members of more than a dozen clubs have voted to oust the 28-year-old Bexley...

Gang member chased the pair down in an alley and shot both 27-year-olds.

27-year-old Illinois man is dead and another injured after a gang-related shooting in Milwaukee.In an e-mail, Milwaukee police spokeswoman Anne E. Schwartz says two 27-year-old gang members from Illinois were walking on the south side when they got into an argument with another gang standing on a porch about 12:30 a.m. Saturday.Schwartz says one gang member chased the pair down in an alley and shot both 27-year-olds. One died at the scene and the other was treated for a graze wound.The victims' names have not been released. Police are still working on family notificatio...

April 09, 2009

Juan Carlos Balderas, 21, of Encinitas died shortly after 8 p.m. Saturday in a Madison Street lot

Juan Carlos Balderas, 21, of Encinitas died shortly after 8 p.m. Saturday in a Madison Street lot adjacent to the park, authorities said.Balderas was at the park with a group of fellow gang members who were later arrested for the shooting, Cain said."It is possible that this was not their intended victim," the lieutenant said.Police believe that, before the weapon was fired, Balderas and his fellow Encinitas gang members were in some kind of a conflict with someone from Carlsbad, Cain said. One of the Encinitas gang members fired, the confusion and darkness perhaps contributing to Balderas being struck, he said.By the time police arrived, Balderas...

18-year-old Damien Ray Garza was arrested Thursday after leaving an apartment in Beaverton, Ore., a suburb of Portland

18-year-old Damien Ray Garza was arrested Thursday after leaving an apartment in Beaverton, Ore., a suburb of Portland. He’s now been charged with the fatal shooting March 26 of 34-year-old Tyrone M. Tinsley.Police said Garza was with some gang friends that evening when Tinsley walked by his house. Tinsley had a bandanna in his back pocket showing his membership in a rival gang, police said.Garza and Tinsley exchanged insults and Tinsley walked on to buy a beer, police said. On the way back, Tinsley again exchanged insults with the rival gang, police said. Garza and his brother contend Tinsley pulled out a meat cleaver, but others say he’d dropped...

April 06, 2009

Makoi boys lucrative trade in drugs from New Zealand, is helping to finance gun smuggling of some heavy weaponry from the United States.

lucrative trade in drugs from New Zealand, is helping to finance gun smuggling of some heavy weaponry from the United States.In Samoa strong tradition balances precariously alongside a growing guns and drugs culture.There is a group in Samoa known as the Makoi boys and their business is selling marijuana and P. Their patch is controlled with their weapons of choice - machetes, rocks and axes.But in Samoa there is another weapon of choice. Guns of all sizes are being smuggled in from the US, and it's becoming big business.Weapons are hidden in car boots and sold at prices ranging from $300 to $1,500 depending on the type of gun. Even gang members...

Vancouver another Gangland Slaying

Shortly before midnight, police responded to calls of shots fired in the 2800 block of Bentall Street in east Vancouver. When they arrived at the scene, they found a man slumped over in the driver's seat of a white SUV in a restaurant parking lot. The VPD Major Crimes Homicide Squad is investigating and several witnesses have been interviewed. It appears to be a targeted shooting and further investigation will reveal whether there are links to gang activi...

Comanchero leader Mahmoud Mick Hawi was charged Monday with fighting in public in a way that caused bystanders to fear for their safety

Mahmoud "Mick" Hawi, leader of the Commancheros, is the sixth member of the gang arrested over the clash that left a Hell's Angels biker bleeding to death in front of terrified travelers at a domestic terminal at Sydney Airport.The slaying thrust long-simmering violence between biker gangs in Australia into the public spotlight, raised fears of widespread reprisal attacks and prompted a crackdown by authorities.Hawi, 28, was due to appear in court...

Five suspected gang members were taken into police custody after a gang battle in Sioux City

Five suspected gang members were taken into police custody after a gang battle in Sioux City Wednesday night.Rescue crews were called to the 400 block of Cook St. just before 7 pm for a report of someone injured in the fight. Sioux City police say a male juvenile suffering from a serious head injury was taken to a local hospital. His condition has not yet been released. Police believe he was assaulted by several people with crowbars and baseball bats. Most of the five people that were arrested in connection to the incident are adults.Arrested were Justin Lynam, 19, of Sioux City, Jose Rodriguiz, 23, and Ashley Lyons, 21, both of South Sioux...

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